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We are happy to say we donated $1000 to the Yellow Brick House! To learn about their mission and how they help hundreds of women and children, you can visit the link below!

WHY 1 OF 3?

1 of every 3 women worldwide are victims of domestic violence. That's more than 1 billion women.

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My Story

My name is Ada-Marie, and 1 of 3 is a school project I started in the name of my grandmother. My grandmother was a victim of domestic intimate partner violence. It was hard enough raising four kids in a small apartment with barely any food to eat and no room to sleep, yet her husband was an abuser. Having no services to offer her some protection from her abuser, my grandma had to be strong for her children.


Even after her abuser left, he would continue to threaten her through the phone. My grandma was scared for her life, yet she managed to push through all of that by focusing on providing for her family. I can't imagine what would have happened if things had gone a different way. It is crucial that every community in the world has access to resources and services that can offer protection in the case of intimate partner violence. 

Puppet Strings


Special thanks to artists and friends:

Diana Bunghiuz

Tara Ghiurcusor

Rhea Teodoru

Christina Campbell

Quick Facts

Statistics show that more than 1 in 3 women in the world experience sexual, physical and/or psychological intimate partner violence (United Nations). This number is so large that it is likely that you may know someone who has suffered from domestic violence. 


Not only does domestic partner violence make females more likely to have thoughts about suicide, it also has a psychological toll on their children. 3 in 4 children as young as 2 to 4 years of age are exposed to some form of violent discipline, including psychological aggression (UNICEF).


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